When You Or Someone You Love, Falls Over

A broken arm is easy to understand. A cold. The flu. But something that is invisible and just as constraining is far harder to compute. It is therefore, in some ways, more scary or unwieldy. When we (or someone we know) loses the capacity to cope, it’s scary for everyone. The brain is a deeply partitioned thing. It hides us

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Who is Watching Your Therapist?

What do you ask a therapist you are thinking of working with? It’s hard to make a start. Perhaps you’ve had a long history of lukewarm help. There’s a lot of it about. Perhaps you’re daunted by the field, and all the varying styles and approaches available. Plus many of the roles are not protected. Anyone can call themselves a

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In some circles, healing is a dirty word. Perhaps because therapists worry about the establishment of expectations. Healing is perhaps implicit code for fix me! We all want our symptoms and suffering to go away, even though we also know that all of us must be visited by suffering. That’s life. What makes the brand of therapy I provide so

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Kind of Nice

One of the hardest things when you’re down or nervous, is maintaining boundaries. What does that mean? Staying authentic. Saying ‘No’. Saying ‘Can I think about it?’ It’s about knowing what you want and being able to claim it, even in the face of disagreement, or the jangly feelings that come with saying no to others. Boundaries are partly maintained

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