We sometimes suffer, not because we are suffering, but because we need to bring balance to our wider family system. Sometimes what ails us is for wider benefit. I know that can sound weird. But we get handed down meaning and wounding from generations above us. Not through nurture, but through nature. Possibly even more.
I love the philosophy and tools of Family Constellations for seeing into a problem with a whole new and wiser/wider lens. What can seem long-stuck and chronic can be over-turned in a moment. I run groups in Wells, Somerset and online to support those who have tried personal work and are still stumped.
A constellation is a process whereby other members of the workshop willingly represent a family member, an ancestor, a part of you, anything that might be worth exploring. When they represent, they may feel or ‘know’ things about being that person or thing that you would not expect. Using their felt sense, and not their imagination or their own ‘stuff’, they begin to shed light on some of the hidden loyalties or binds that are working within the family system. Much of what ails us can be about owning things not ours, or seeking to help with things that are beyond our ability to help. We do much of this unwittingly.
The great thing is, sitting back and seeing your problem, your family, or the wider issue outside of you, depicted with sometimes startling clarity, and then to see it unfold and repair. It truly allows a wider and wiser perspective.
Contact me for workshop info.